State and Community Needs AssessmentsComing SoonPlease come back later or join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on our latest reports and news.Iowa’s child care providers are committed to work they find meaningful, and the majority would like to remain in the field as long...

Quality Preschool Coming Soon Please come back later or join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on our latest reports and news. Iowa’s child care providers are committed to work they find meaningful, and the majority would like to remain in the field as long as possible. Unfortunately,...

Family Needs and Service AccessComing SoonPlease come back later or join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on our latest reports and news.Iowa’s child care providers are committed to work they find meaningful, and the majority would like to remain in the field as long...

Prenatal Care and Home Visiting KEY COLLABORATORSIowa Health and Human ServicesEnsuring positive outcomes for children starts before birth, and Iowa has long prioritized the health of children and families through pioneering home-visiting programs. These programs offer crucial support from prenatal stages through early childhood, though...

Child Care in IowaKey Collaborators:Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children, Iowa’s Department of Health and Human Services, Child Care Resource and Referral, Iowa Workforce Development, and Early Childhood IowaIowa’s child care providers are committed to work they find meaningful, and the majority would...

Local Area AnalysisLead Department: Iowa Department of Health and Human ServicesBringing together data to inform local community planning efforts can sometimes be daunting  due to the myriad of public-facing websites or state and federal data sources. Data needs to be comprehensive enough to understand the...

Substance use among families with young childrenLead Department: Iowa Department of Health and Human ServicesFamilies with substance use histories were found to disproportionately experience additional risk factors, many of which were evident at the time of a child’s birth and could provide opportunity for intervention....

Family Support, Home Visiting, and Community RiskLead Department: Iowa Department of Health and Human ServicesHome visiting programs are widely used dual-generation interventions that provide support to strengthen families with children under age five. Because states invest in multiple programmatic approaches to address the variety of...

ECI Longitudinal Study (ECILS)Lead Departments: Iowa Department of Health and Human ServicesUnderstanding the comprehensive sets of strengths, needs, and service utilization patterns of young children is a priority to inform Early Childhood Iowa collaborations. The purpose of this I2D2 study is to examine the patterns...