I2D2 is dedicated to connecting Iowa’s leaders with accurate, comprehensive and meaningful data.

As our service systems are increasingly charged with the heroic task to do more, to do it quicker, and to do it with less — they need now more than ever comprehensive information to inform strategic decision-making. I2D2 provides a vital solution by integrating people and data from across service systems to address Iowa’s most pressing social problems.

I2D2 is a robust system of stakeholders who share a common goal to bring together comprehensive systematic data regarding Iowa’s children and families. Together, with the guidance of a formal governance process, we collaborate around data to provide meaningful insights to our state’s leaders and stakeholder community. The outcome? The needs of Iowa’s communities can be better understood. Service gaps can be better identified. Future improvements and efforts can be aptly measured with repeated cycles of inquiry. Data-informed decisions can drive our public programs forward.

The Integrated data system Approach Explained

In line with bipartisan recommendations from the Federal Commission on Evidence-based Policymaking, there is increasing attention to the value of integrated administrative data systems to inform executive decision-making. Integrated data systems use data already collected by programs that serve families for policy evaluation and population-based analyses to better understand impacts and gaps in public service systems over time.

The integrated data system approach is a process of problem solving that uses administrative data

to produce Actionable Intelligence. It is not a one-shot research or evaluation project. Through iterative and logical inquiry cycles, the results of integrated data system analytics shape and refine interventions over time to maximize effectiveness.

Core components of the approach are based on decades of development from existing integrated data systems across the U.S. and internationally. Iowa is part of AISP (Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy), a national network comprised of existing state and university partnerships working with integrated data systems to advance social policy.

We Are Committed to the Future of Iowa

The success of Iowans makes a difference for us all — we can agree on this across the board. But in the midst of policies, programs, funding and more, it is easy to lose sight of our priority — our shared mission. With I2D2 data and insights, we are helping to ensure the people of Iowa remain the focal point of decision-making. We are pushing forward real, positive impacts. When it comes down to it, we at I2D2 are Iowans ourselves — each dedicated to the greater good by connecting rigorous science with effective service coordination.


I2D2 is entirely funded by individual grants and contracts that support approved projects. Each award is secured in collaboration with engaged partners including state department leadership and I2D2 directors. This funding supports specific projects that are approved by the Data Stewardship Committee in pursuit of I2D2’s shared vision and the articulated priorities established by the Executive Board. Early seed grant awards from Iowa State University, the Midwest Big Data Hub, Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy, and Third Sector Capital Partners supported the partnership-development activities, development of I2D2 governance and data sharing protocols, and establishing the secure technology infrastructure that maintains I2D2 data and analytic platforms. Subsequent awards supported analytics of integrated data to address high-priority statewide needs and communications materials to disseminate and use findings to advance priorities.

Funding Awards

 Iowa Jobs for American Graduates. ($60,000; 2024-2025).  iJAG Iowa Jobs for American Graduates Program Evaluation. Awarded to Rouse & Abraham. 

Iowa Department of Health and Human Services. ($192,437; 2023-2024). Family wellbeing, home visiting, and prenatal support: A statewide investigation to inform outreach and intervention. Awarded to Rouse & Abraham.

Iowa Department of Health and Human Services. ($457,958; 2023-2024). Child care costs: Market rate and narrow cost analysis 2023. Awarded to Rouse, Lippard, & Abraham.

Iowa Workforce Development. ($41,023; 2023-2024). Identifying strengths and opportunities in Iowa’s workforce innovation efforts: An evaluation of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I programming. Awarded to Rouse & Abraham.

Iowa Department of Management. ($4,745,879; 2022-2024). Advancing early child care for Iowa: A state-university collaboration integrating people and data to advance strategic planning. Awarded to Rouse & Abraham.

Iowa Department of Management. ($400,000; 2022-2024). Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Using evidence to inform strategic planning for Early Childhood Iowa. Awarded to Rouse & Abraham.

U.S. DHHS Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation Secondary Analysis of Data on Early Care and Education Grant. ($100,000; 2022-2024). ). Head Start children’s concurrent and sequential enrollment in public early childhood education programs. Awarded to Rouse, Choi, and Betancur-Cortez.

Iowa Department of Education. ($5,000; 2023). Advancing Head Start Success in Iowa: Statewide Needs Assessment and Strategic Planning Grant. Awarded to Rouse.

. Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children. ($854,113; 2021-2023). 2023 Iowa workforce study: Investigating strengths, needs, and opportunities for strengthening early childcare and education systems. Awarded to Rouse, Lippard, Choi, Peterson, Dorius, and Abraham.

Iowa Department of Management. ($181,410; 2021-2024). Early Childhood Iowa and I2D2: Advancing Strategic Planning and Outreach. Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, & Abraham.

Iowa Department of Management. (Award $65,000; 2021). Advancing the I2D2 Partnership for State and Community-level Strategic Planning and Outreach.  Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, & Abraham.

Promise Partners. (Award $25,000; 2021). Local Needs Assessment and Strategic Planning for Early Childhood: An Integrated Data System Partnership Demonstration. Awarded to Rouse & Dorius.

U.S. DHHS Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation Secondary Analysis of Data on Early Care and Education Grant. (Award $105,000; 2020-2021). Start Children’s Multiple Care Experiences: Patterns, Partnerships, and Effects on School Performance. Awarded to Choi, Rouse, & Dorius.

Iowa Department of Public Health. (Award $686,957; 2018-2022). Multiple Risks and Family Wellbeing: A Population-based Study of Home Visiting Enrollment, Retention, and Outcomes. Awarded to Rouse & Dorius.

U.S. DHHS Administration for Children and Families Preschool Development Grant awarded to the Iowa Department of Management, Subaward to Iowa State University. (Full Award $2,190,119; ISU Subaward $1,197,796; 2019). Improving Iowa’s Early Childhood System: PDG B-5 Grant.  Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, Peterson, Choi, & Lippard.

Iowa Department of Public Health, subaward from the Center for Disease Control. (Total Award $2,200,000; Subaward $215,000; 2018-2019). Substance use among Iowa families: An intergenerational mixed method approach for informing policy and practice. Awarded to Dorius, Rouse, & Dorius.

Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences Untenured Faculty Seed Grant. (Award $10,000; 2018-2019). Developing the Iowa Child and Family Wellbeing Study: A Demonstration of Statewide Integrated Data System Capacity. Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, & Peterson.

Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences, Department of Human Development and Family Studies Pilot Funds for Collaborative Research Development. Role: PI. (Award $5,000; 2018). Building a Data Infrastructure to Support State Partnership Research. Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, & Melby.

Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy and the Annie E. Casey Foundation Training and Technical Assistance Program. (Award Value $60,000; 2017-2018). IDS for Iowa: A State-University Partnership to Inform Early Childhood Policy and Practice. Awarded to Rouse, & Dorius. State of Iowa Department of Management Co-PI: Anderson, State of Iowa Partners: Richey, Davydov, Winslow, Rendon, Christ, & Kresse.

Third Sector Capital Partners and Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy Training and Technical Assistance Program. (Award Value $650,000; 2017-2018). Social Innovation Fund Pay for Success Youth Development Competition. Awarded to Rouse, & Dorius. State of Iowa Department of Human Rights Co-PI: Davydov, State of Iowa Partners: Anderson, Richey, Winslow, Rendon, Christ, & Kresse.

Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences Untenured Faculty Seed Grant. (Award $10,000; 2017-2018). Big Data, Real People: Using Integrated Data to Promote Child Wellbeing in Iowa. Awarded to Dorius, Rouse, & Hughes-Belding.

Milbank Memorial Fund. (Award Value $5,000; 2017). Academy of Health Datapalooza Scholarship. Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, & Richey.

Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences External Funding Accelerator Grant. (Award $2,400; 2017). Advancing Data Driven Health Policy and Practice in Iowa. Awarded to Dorius & Rouse.

Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences External Funding Accelerator Grant. (Award $1,955; 2016). Advancing Evidence-Based Family Policy in Iowa.  Awarded to Rouse and Dorius.

National Science Foundation Big Data Award, Enhancing Industry-Academic Big Data Collaboration and Partnerships for Early Career Researchers across Midwest Big Data Hub. (Award $6,000; 2016). IDS for Iowa: An Integrated Data System Collaboration for Social Policy Research. Awarded to Dorius & Rouse.

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