Iowa Jobs for American Graduates. ($60,000; 2024-2025). iJAG Iowa Jobs for American Graduates Program Evaluation. Awarded to Rouse & Abraham.
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services. ($192,437; 2023-2024). Family wellbeing, home visiting, and prenatal support: A statewide investigation to inform outreach and intervention. Awarded to Rouse & Abraham.
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services. ($457,958; 2023-2024). Child care costs: Market rate and narrow cost analysis 2023. Awarded to Rouse, Lippard, & Abraham.
Iowa Workforce Development. ($41,023; 2023-2024). Identifying strengths and opportunities in Iowa’s workforce innovation efforts: An evaluation of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I programming. Awarded to Rouse & Abraham.
Iowa Department of Management. ($4,745,879; 2022-2024). Advancing early child care for Iowa: A state-university collaboration integrating people and data to advance strategic planning. Awarded to Rouse & Abraham.
Iowa Department of Management. ($400,000; 2022-2024). Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Using evidence to inform strategic planning for Early Childhood Iowa. Awarded to Rouse & Abraham.
U.S. DHHS Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation Secondary Analysis of Data on Early Care and Education Grant. ($100,000; 2022-2024). ). Head Start children’s concurrent and sequential enrollment in public early childhood education programs. Awarded to Rouse, Choi, and Betancur-Cortez.
Iowa Department of Education. ($5,000; 2023). Advancing Head Start Success in Iowa: Statewide Needs Assessment and Strategic Planning Grant. Awarded to Rouse.
. Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children. ($854,113; 2021-2023). 2023 Iowa workforce study: Investigating strengths, needs, and opportunities for strengthening early childcare and education systems. Awarded to Rouse, Lippard, Choi, Peterson, Dorius, and Abraham.
Iowa Department of Management. ($181,410; 2021-2024). Early Childhood Iowa and I2D2: Advancing Strategic Planning and Outreach. Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, & Abraham.
Iowa Department of Management. (Award $65,000; 2021). Advancing the I2D2 Partnership for State and Community-level Strategic Planning and Outreach. Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, & Abraham.
Promise Partners. (Award $25,000; 2021). Local Needs Assessment and Strategic Planning for Early Childhood: An Integrated Data System Partnership Demonstration. Awarded to Rouse & Dorius.
U.S. DHHS Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation Secondary Analysis of Data on Early Care and Education Grant. (Award $105,000; 2020-2021). Start Children’s Multiple Care Experiences: Patterns, Partnerships, and Effects on School Performance. Awarded to Choi, Rouse, & Dorius.
Iowa Department of Public Health. (Award $686,957; 2018-2022). Multiple Risks and Family Wellbeing: A Population-based Study of Home Visiting Enrollment, Retention, and Outcomes. Awarded to Rouse & Dorius.
U.S. DHHS Administration for Children and Families Preschool Development Grant awarded to the Iowa Department of Management, Subaward to Iowa State University. (Full Award $2,190,119; ISU Subaward $1,197,796; 2019). Improving Iowa’s Early Childhood System: PDG B-5 Grant. Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, Peterson, Choi, & Lippard.
Iowa Department of Public Health, subaward from the Center for Disease Control. (Total Award $2,200,000; Subaward $215,000; 2018-2019). Substance use among Iowa families: An intergenerational mixed method approach for informing policy and practice. Awarded to Dorius, Rouse, & Dorius.
Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences Untenured Faculty Seed Grant. (Award $10,000; 2018-2019). Developing the Iowa Child and Family Wellbeing Study: A Demonstration of Statewide Integrated Data System Capacity. Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, & Peterson.
Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences, Department of Human Development and Family Studies Pilot Funds for Collaborative Research Development. Role: PI. (Award $5,000; 2018). Building a Data Infrastructure to Support State Partnership Research. Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, & Melby.
Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy and the Annie E. Casey Foundation Training and Technical Assistance Program. (Award Value $60,000; 2017-2018). IDS for Iowa: A State-University Partnership to Inform Early Childhood Policy and Practice. Awarded to Rouse, & Dorius. State of Iowa Department of Management Co-PI: Anderson, State of Iowa Partners: Richey, Davydov, Winslow, Rendon, Christ, & Kresse.
Third Sector Capital Partners and Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy Training and Technical Assistance Program. (Award Value $650,000; 2017-2018). Social Innovation Fund Pay for Success Youth Development Competition. Awarded to Rouse, & Dorius. State of Iowa Department of Human Rights Co-PI: Davydov, State of Iowa Partners: Anderson, Richey, Winslow, Rendon, Christ, & Kresse.
Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences Untenured Faculty Seed Grant. (Award $10,000; 2017-2018). Big Data, Real People: Using Integrated Data to Promote Child Wellbeing in Iowa. Awarded to Dorius, Rouse, & Hughes-Belding.
Milbank Memorial Fund. (Award Value $5,000; 2017). Academy of Health Datapalooza Scholarship. Awarded to Rouse, Dorius, & Richey.
Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences External Funding Accelerator Grant. (Award $2,400; 2017). Advancing Data Driven Health Policy and Practice in Iowa. Awarded to Dorius & Rouse.
Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences External Funding Accelerator Grant. (Award $1,955; 2016). Advancing Evidence-Based Family Policy in Iowa. Awarded to Rouse and Dorius.
National Science Foundation Big Data Award, Enhancing Industry-Academic Big Data Collaboration and Partnerships for Early Career Researchers across Midwest Big Data Hub. (Award $6,000; 2016). IDS for Iowa: An Integrated Data System Collaboration for Social Policy Research. Awarded to Dorius & Rouse.