08 Aug I2D2 releases IA Data Drive
I2D2 is thrilled to release the IA Data Drive for use in local and state strategic planning efforts.
Stakeholder feedback across our early childhood system in 2020 consistently highlighted the need for aggregate data to support local and statewide strategic planning (see Mapping Vulnerability in Iowa’s Early Childhood System and the All County Needs Assessment). With this feedback, the I2D2 team compiled lists of the most commonly used indicators and prioritized their inclusion in IA Data Drive. Starting with the ECI State Board-approved indicators, we anticipate adding more data elements in the future as we continue to prioritize data needs that will inform diverse community and statewide planning efforts.
We would like to thank all of the Early Childhood Iowa Board Directors, ECI Results Accountability team, the ECI State team, and the 2021 Data Science for the Public Good team for their substantial assistance in the review of indicators and invaluable feedback on the development of the dashboard.
We will be offering live training opportunities in August to demonstrate use of IA Data Drive and will be posting formal trainings on i2d2.iastate.edu. Be sure to get signed up for our mailing list and newsletter to stay up to date on this and more work coming from I2D2!