08 Aug I2D2 releases new ECI Family Survey report
I2D2 releases new ECI Family Survey report
In the wake of our introduction to the COVID-19 pandemic, the shut-down in 2020, and the creation of the Governor’s Childcare Task Force in 2021, it is clear that Iowa families are still facing challenges – particularly those families with very young children.
Families in 2022 report less awareness of how and where to find services they need, for example, and families with low income report increasing challenges with access, affordability, and finding services that meet their needs. The good news is that state partners are responding, and thanks to these voices from Iowa families we are engaging in a new strategic planning period to identify how we can best support these changing needs.
To see more about what Iowa families reported check out the most recent ECI Family Survey Report. This report highlights what families reported, and changes in needs and opportunities from 2019 (where we had a similar statewide survey that helped inform a comprehensive Statewide Strategic Plan and Needs Assessment). This survey not only helped us learn more about families’ experiences accessing child care and other early childhood services, but also included some special consideration for sub-groups of families by income, urbanicity, and ethnicity.
We would like to thank ECI and our partners for their feedback and expertise in the development, dissemination, and analysis of the survey.
For a full list of previous I2D2 reports, visit https://i2d2.iastate.edu/publications/