08 Dec I2D2 team members awarded university award for interdisciplinary team research
Co-Director Cassandra Dorius and Assistant Director of Data and Analytics Todd Abraham were recently awarded the Interdisciplinary Team Research Award by Iowa State University.
The award recognizes an interdisciplinary team of two or more faculty researchers with outstanding achievements who have made a significant contribution to the university’s research and scholarship mission through successful interdisciplinary collaborations. Data Science for the Public Good is an immersive summer program that engages students from across Iowa to work together on projects that address local and state government challenges around critical social issues relevant in the world today. Cass and Todd worked collaboratively with Shawn Dorius, associate professor of sociology; Heike Hofmann, professor of statistics; Jim Reecy, associate vice president for research; Christopher Seeger, professor of landscape architecture; and Adisak Sukul, associate teaching professor of computer science to lead a student team which worked on the development of a data dashboard to be used by early childhood professionals across the state to increase access to quality data to be used in decision-making.