What is I2D2?

Rouse, H.L., Dorius, C., Bruning, J. (2022) I2D2 Governance Structures – Data Brief #9. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making, Ames, IA.

What is I2D2? October 2020. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision Making, Issue Brief #1:10.20.

Rouse, H.L., & Dorius, C. (May, 2019). Iowa’s Integrated Data System. Report for prepared for the National Academy of Sciences Committee on National Statistics.

Data Briefs

Rouse, H., Choi, J., Betancur, L., Kim, H., & Watson, T. (2023). Data Brief #15. Iowa Head Start: Successfully Serving the Comprehensive Needs of Low-Income Children. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making, Ames, IA.


Rouse, H.L., Lippard, C., Betancur, L., Abraham, T., Bruning, J., Li, D. (2023). Data Brief #12 –Iowa Early Childhood Workforce Study: Compensation is Key for Addressing our Childcare Crisis. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making. Ames, IA.


Rouse, H.L., Choi, J.Y., Betancur, L., Bruning, J. (2022). Data Brief #11 – Preschool Program Partnerships: How Head Start and Statewide Voluntary Preschool Support Dual Enrollment for Head Start Children. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making, Ames, IA. 

Citation – Rouse, H.L., Choi, J.Y., Betancur, L., & Bruning, J. (2022). Data Brief #10 – Success in Head Start: Improved School Outcomes for Children with Full-Day Experiences. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making. Ames, IA.

Rouse, H.L., Betancur, L., Bruning, J., Dorius, C. (2022). Data Brief #8 – Family Access to Mental Health. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making, Ames, IA.

Rouse, H.L., Betancur, L., Bruning, J., Dorius, C. (2022). Data Brief #7 – Family Access to Childcare. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making, Ames, IA. 

Phones for Families: Connecting families during the COVID-19 pandemic. January 2022. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision Making, Issue Brief #6:1.22

Program Outcomes and Birth Risks in Home Visiting. October 2021. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision Making, Issue Brief #5:10.21.

Themes in Iowa’s Child Care Conversation. February 2021. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision Making, Issue Brief #4:2.21.

Preschool Access: Fill in the Gaps. December 2020. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision Making, Issue Brief #3:12.20.

Iowa’s Child Care Shortage: It’s an Economic Issue. December 2020. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision Making, Issue Brief #2:12.20.


Rouse, H.L., Abraham, W.T., Wallace, L., Bruning, J., Dorius, C. (2022) Access to Care, Outcomes, and Birthing Unit Closures: Results from a Statewide Mixed Methods Study in Iowa. Prepared for the Iowa Department of Public Health, Des Moines, IA.

Rouse, H.L., Riser, Q.H., Bruning, J., Dorius, C. (2022). Early Childhood Iowa Longitudinal Study: A First Look at Children 0-5. Prepared for Early Childhood Iowa, Department of Management, Des Moines, IA.

Rouse, H.L., Choi, J.Y., Betancur, L. (2022). Early Childhood Iowa Longitudinal Study Addendum 1: Experiences of Children Attending Head Start. Report prepared for the Iowa Head Start Association, Des Moines, IA.  

Rouse, H.L., Betancur, L., Bruning, J., Dorius, C. (2022). Iowa Families with Young Children: 2022 Statewide Family Survey Report. Prepared for Early Childhood Iowa, Des Moines, IA.  

Rouse, H. L., Bulotsky Shearer, R. J., Idzikowski, S. S., Hawn Nelson, A., Needle, M., Katz, M.F., Bailey, J., Lane, J. T., Berkowitz, E., Zanti, S., Pena , A., Reeves, M. (2021).  Developmental Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Young Children: A Conceptual Model for Research with Integrated Administrative Data Systems. International Journal of Population Data Science, 5(4). doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v5i4.1651.

Rouse, H.L., Bruning, J., Bahe, D., Wallace, L., Dorius, C., Roosa, K., Plagge, A. (2021). Advancing Connectivity for Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evaluation of Iowa’s Phones for Families Program. Prepared for the Iowa Department of Public Health, Des Moines, IA.

Rouse, H.L., Bruning, J., Dorius, C., Wallace, L., Kelley, E. (2021) Technical Report: Birth Risks and Timing of Enrollment in Home Visiting. Prepared for the Iowa Department of Public Health, Des Moines, IA.

Dorius, C., Rouse, H., Taylor, G., Hanson, B., Burke, S., Shaw, R., & Seeger, C. (February, 2020). Mapping Vulnerability in Iowa’s Early Childhood Systems. Report prepared for Early Childhood Iowa. Des Moines, IA.

Rouse, H., Dorius, C., Bartel, M.*, Riser, Q.*, Bruning, J.*, Gress, A.*, & Kelley, E.* (March, 2020). All County Needs Assessment. Early Childhood Iowa’s Integrated Data System, Iowa State University. Prepared for Early Childhood Iowa. Des Moines, IA.

Dorius, C., Dorius, S., Rouse, H. L., and Van Selous, K. (October, 2019). Technical Report: Substance Use and its Correlates in Iowa’s 99 Counties. Report prepared for the Iowa Department of Public Health.

Dorius, C., Dorius, S., Rouse, H., Talbert, E., Ku, S.*, Bartel, M.*, Voorhees, T.*, Van Selous, K.*, Denlinger, M.*, Bahe, D.*, Burdick, D.*, Manful, G.*, & McInroy, K.* (September, 2019). Substance Use Among Iowa Families: An Intergenerational Mixed Method Approach for Informing Policy and Practice. Iowa Substance Use Surveillance Project, Iowa State University. Report prepared for the Iowa Department of Public Health. Des Moines, IA.

Rouse, H.L., Dorius, C., Lippard, C., Peterson, C., Choi, Y., Voas, R., Riser, Q*., Bartel, M.*, Ku, S.*, Bruning, J.*, Gress, A.*, Kelley, E.*, Facile, K.*, & Flake, L*. (September, 2019). Early Childhood Iowa Needs Assessment 2019. Early Childhood Iowa’s Integrated Data System, Iowa State University. Prepared for Early Childhood Iowa. Des Moines, IA.

Riser, Q.*, Rouse, H., Bruning, J.*, Gress, A.*, Dorius, C., & Foley, T. (February, 2020). Estimated Cost of the Child Care Shortage in Iowa. I2D2 Policy Brief prepared for Early Childhood Iowa. Des Moines, IA.


Rouse, H.L., Dorius, C. (January 2022). What’s Happening in Early Childhood in Iowa? Presentation for Early Childhood Iowa’s annual stakeholder and legislative update. Des Moines, IA. 

Rouse, H.L., & Dorius, C. (May, 2019). Iowa’s Integrated Data System. Invited presentation at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Committee on National Statistics Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Washington, DC.

Dorius, C., Rouse, H.L. & Richey, B. (November, 2019). Bridging the Agency-Academic Divide to Integrate Data and Serve “The Whole Child”. Paper presentation at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management annual conference, Denver, CO.

Rouse, H.L., Dorius, C., Bruning, J., & Horras, J. (April, 2020). Data in Action: A State-University Partnership in Evidence-based Home Visiting. Invited webinar presentation for Data Sharing Community of Practice, Child Trends, Bethesda, MD.

Rouse, H.L., Dorius, C., Davydov, K., Richey, E., & Winslow, A., (November, 2020). Systems integration for systems improvement: Iowa’s integrated data approach to support early childhood program and policy research. Poster presentation for the National Research Conference on Early Childhood. (online due to COVID-19).

i2d2 Stakeholder Updates

September 2024. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board. 

March 2024. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board. 

January 2024. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board. 

November 2023. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board. 

September 2023. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board. 

May 2023. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board. 

November 2020. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board. 

September 2020. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board.

June 2020. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board.

April 2020. Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (I2D2): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board.

March 2020. Early Childhood Iowa Integrated Data System (IDS): Overview. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board.

February 2020. Early Childhood Iowa Integrated Data System (IDS): Overview. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board.

January 2020. Early Childhood Iowa Integrated Data System (IDS): Project Update. Report prepared for Iowa’s Legislative Session, Early Childhood Day-on-the-Hill. Des Moines, IA.

January 2020. Early Childhood Iowa Integrated Data System (IDS): Analytic Project Summaries. Report prepared for Iowa’s Legislative Session, Early Childhood Day-on-the-Hill. Des Moines, IA.

April 2019. Early Childhood Iowa Integrated Data System (IDS): ECI State Board Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board.

December 2018. Early Childhood Iowa Integrated Data System (IDS): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa Stakeholder Alliance.

April 2018. Developing an Early Childhood Integrated Data System for Iowa: Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa State Board.

September 2017. Advancing the Development of an Early Childhood Integrated Data System (IDS): Project Update. Report prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa Stakeholder Alliance.

November 2016. Recommendations to Advance the Development of an Early Childhood Integrated Data System. Prepared for the Early Childhood Iowa Steering Committee.

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